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How to Get Better Respiratory Support... Essential Oil Benefits

Updated: Feb 26, 2022

Living in a clean house may be good for your health, but did you know that actually cleaning your home could potentially be unhealthy for you?

According to research published in the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, individuals that have been responsible for cleaning at home or work showed considerable declines in lung function. "Chemicals are not intended for your lungs The level of lung impairment was surprising at first, said Svanes. “However, when you think of inhaling small particles from cleaning agents that are meant for cleaning the floor and not your lungs, maybe it is not so surprising after all,” he said. The authors speculate that the decline in lung function is attributable to the irritation that most cleaning chemicals cause on the mucous membranes lining the airways."

picture of lung

According to Johns Hopkins Medicines there are 8 signs of respiratory distress

The respiratory system is responsible for your breathing and consists of the lungs, airways, and trachea. Each breath is used by your body to transport oxygen to your cells, helping them grow, reproduce, and perform their different functions. The air you breathe is not only essential to your respiratory health. It can affect your lungs, heart, and brain.

The following information will break down just how you can take control respiratory care for you and your family.

It's essential to keep your respiratory system healthy. Exercising regularly, eating well, and getting enough sleep every day are key to helping your respiratory system function properly. Essential oils can support feelings of clear airways and easy breathing. A good way to support your respiratory system is to try taking oils like Peppermint, doTERRA On Guard®, doTERRA Breathe or Lemon essential oil,

Essential oils are most effective when they are pure. In other words, CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade®. Of all the health benefits that can be found in pure essential oils, the most widely appreciated are the powerful aromatic properties that have a direct impact on the respiratory and immune systems. What are essential oils? You can learn how doTERRA essential oils are made here

buy essential oils

doTERRA Breathe is a line of defense against seasonal threats. It can be used topically or aromatically, by diffusing it, Either method of using doTERRA Breathe can help. You can diffuse this oil into the air at nighttime to calm the senses and promote restful sleep . You can also apply it to your chest, neck or bottom of feet. (diluting in Fractionated Coconut Oil as necessary.) One of the other main benefits of this blend is being able to maintain feelings of clear breathing with its refreshing and cooling scent.


  • Laurel Leaf

  • Eucalyptus Leaf

  • Peppermint Plant

  • Melaleuca Leaf

  • Lemon Peel

  • Ravensara Leaf

  • Cardamom Seed

respiratory drops

doTERRA Breathe® Respiratory Drops are an easy, on-the-go way to support respiratory health. The ingredients are lemon, peppermint, cardamom, eucalyptus, thyme, and Melissa. The essential oils included in the drops have an added benefit in that that they can support mental clarity and function.

essential oil bottle

Supporting the immune system starts with the immune-boosting essential oils included in the On Guard blend: Wild Orange Peel, Cinnamon Leaf, and Cinnamon Bark. The other oils in the blend include Clove Bud, which when take internally helps with cardiovascular health and Eucalyptus Leaf which also promotes feelings of clear breathing and oral health. This Eucalyptus leaf is a a different oil from the single Eucalyptus oil doTERRA offers, which is not for internal use. Finally, Rosemary essential oil supports healthy respiratory function.

essential oil throat drops

Just as with the doTERRA Breathe, doTERRA On Guard offers the convenience of individually wrapped, protecting throat drops that help calm and soothe dry scratchy throats.

doTERRA essential oils are great for cleaning, why?

As you know by now they are gentle with plant derived ingredients, smell amazing and lift your mood! Most essential oils are known for their antimicrobial properties. doTERRA pure essential oils are so potent that they can destroy certain microbes (bacteria, fungus and viruses) Essential oils come from flowers, grasses, fruits, leaves and trees so they are all safe for cleaning. Some of the best essential oils for this use are Lavender, lemon,

wild orange. eucalyptus, doTERRA On Guard, peppermint and grapefruit because of their pleasing aromas.

essential oil cleaner

doTERRA On Guard Cleaner Concentrate is another safe alternative to harsh cleaners. It is fortified with the proprietary doTERRA On Guard Protective Blend of Wild Orange, Clove,Cinnamon,Eucalyptus, and Rosemary CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils, which provide natural protection against certain environmental factors while elevating the overall cleaning capability.

A safe and clean house is key for keeping you and your family healthy, and with an increasing number of negative environmental factors, It's never been more important.

Learn more about essential oils or make a purchase here. You can also join our " What's all the hype? Study Group," where We will create a customized Starter Pack of oils just for you!

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Absolutely and I thought about getting into that but I think that's a whole other article!


Carla Correale
Carla Correale
May 02, 2020

This is VERY useful information. I don't think people realize how harmful many chemicals are for your lungs. Especially for those who already have compromised breathing, like asthma or COPD. Thank you for sharing this so others might find a healthier path for themselves AND keep a clean home 👍😁

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